Terms & Conditions

Agreement with the terms % conditions of this website

I.I. The navigation on the edgepark.pt website is made accordingly to the following terms & conditions. By navigating on this website, we understand that you agree with its terms & conditions.

I.II. We reserve the right to change the terms & conditions of this website, at any time, in order to improve it.

What are the website users’ rights?

II.I. In accordance with the current Personal Data Protection legislation, we guarantee you the right to access, update, rectify, delete and remove your personal data. The user can also present any eventual complaints about our services and/or website to the National Commission of Data Protection (“Comissão Nacional da Proteção de Dados”).

II.II. We also grant you the right to withdraw consent (non-clients) or oppose to the use (clients) of the provided data for marketing purposes, to send press releases or to be included in any kind of lists or informational services. If you did not do it when subscribing our website, you can later send us a request in order to make the necessary procedures.

II.III. These rights must be exercised by email (email@edgepark.pt) or by letter sent to EDGE Park, Rua D. João V, 24, Esc. 1.01. – Espaço Amoreiras – Centro Empresarial, 1250-091 Lisboa.

III. How long is the user’s data stored in our database?

III.I. The period of time which your data is stored varies according to the purpose for which the information is collected and processed. Whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be collected and stored only for the minimum period of time necessary for the purposes which motivated its collection and subsequent processing, after which it will be all eliminated.

Is your personal data securely handled?

IV.I. EDGE RM, who is the company owner of the EDGE Park trademark, is committed to ensuring a secure handling of your personal data. For this purpose, EDGE RM has adopted several security measures, of technical and organizational nature, in order to protect the collected data against its dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration or unauthorized access, as well as any other illicit handling.

IV.II. EDGE RM requires its subcontractors and partners to adopt security measures equivalent to the level applied in its own procedures.

IV.iii. Notwithstanding the security measures practiced by EDGE RM, the user must adopt additional security procedures, such as the use of updated IT equipment and browser, properly configured, with an active firewall, antivirus and anti-spyware, as well as avoiding websites whose reputation and authenticity is not trustworthy.

Copyright and other related rights

V.I. The content of this website is property of EDGE RM, which makes the reproduction of the mentioned content expressly forbidden.

V.II. In this regard, and in order to protect copyright and related rights, it is expressly forbidden to download or print any content of this website, except for purposes of personal use or establishing a commercial relationship with EDGE RM.

Data Processing

VI.I. All the personal data collected in our website will be confidentially processed, accordingly with the terms of our Privacy Policy, which we kindly ask you to read before using this site. Notwithstanding, your username and profile picture will be visible to all users of this website.

VI.II. All other information, such as suggestions, comments, questions about our services, etc., will be subject to non-confidential processing procedures and considered our property.

VI.III. By submitting your data, we accept the information given on the assumption that you are its legitimate owner, that it is not defamatory and its use does not prejudice any third parties.

VI.IV. By submitting pictures of a minor, you confirm that you are the legal representative of the minor who appears in the images. Thus, and as the legal representative, you agree with the use of the mentioned content on this website.

VII. Outreach of the content’s guarantee of this website

VII.I. The content of this website is ruled by strict quality principles, either in terms of the content or its presentation.

VII.II. Any inaccuracies, errors or low correspondence to your expectations will not be our responsibility.

VIII. Limitation of Liability

VIII.I. Accessing, navigating, downloading and all other acts performed in this website are the sole responsibility of the user, whose acceptance of this terms is promptly assumed by the use of this website.

VIII.II. The user of this website assumes full responsibility for any downloads, by which any claim for damages to this or any other title is unenforceable.

Alterations to the Contents

IX.I. EDGE RM reserves the right, freely and whenever it considers convenient, to make alterations, corrections and improvements to the content of this website, or even suspending the site itself, without prior notice and without any liability being incurred.

Data Reuse by EDGE RM

X.I. The user allows EDGE RM to reuse the collected data, without subsequently benefiting from any basic or additional remuneration.

X.II. EDGE RM will have the right, exclusively at its own discretion, to save and use any comments, suggestions, data or any other information provided to this website, in current/future products or services, without giving you the right to benefit from any basic or additional remuneration.

X.III. Considering that the mentioned information is protected by the current intellectual property legislation, you agree to assign all rights to EDGE RM, concerning the collected information, and to collaborate with EDGE RM in granting it such rights.

X.IV. Hereby, the user also grants EDGE RM the perpetual, irrevocable, non-copyright and transferable rights, as well as permission to use, reproduce, copy, publish or share your username or your statements, as well as modify, delete, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works and / or distribute the referred content and / or incorporate it in any way and through any informative means, worldwide included, without limitations for any type of advertising, promotion and other commercial purposes.


  1. I. The links on this website are the sole responsibility of its own addresses, in other words, the virtual websites to which they lead to.

XI.ii. The creation of a link to this virtual website is prohibited without the prior written consent of EDGE RM.

XII. Effectiveness of the current terms & conditions

 XII.I. The above mentioned terms & conditions represent an agreement between EDGE RM and the users of this website.

XIII. Content Sharing: Good Practices

 XIII.I. The edgepark.pt website aims to be at the service of its users, by creating an online space for content sharing and streamline interactions, where everyone’s contribution is welcomed.

XII.II. However, and in order to assure the accomplishments of the above mentioned objectives, we moderate and evaluate all contents shared by our users.

XIII.III. Thus, EDGE RM reserves the right to remove all contents which are considered inappropriate and violate the terms & conditions of this website.

XIII.IV. EDGE reserves the right to remove all the following contents:

  • Pornographic and / or violent language, images or content;
  • Offensive content to EDGE RM and also to its users, due to its racist, xenophobic, insulting, malicious, prejudiced and / or false content;
  • Advertising to other products, brands, companies, services or initiatives which do not belong or are related to the EDGE Park brand;
  • Recruitment initiatives, campaigns or contests which are not promoted by EDGE Park;
  • Unsolicited advertising and other commercial communications (SPAM);
  • Incitement to share confidential information, which could compromise the security and privacy of the users, namely, ID information, tax number, phone numbers, address, school, university or job information, and pictures and videos which can promote the explicit location of residences;
  • Violation of copyright or intellectual property;
  • Content that slanders and jeopardizes the integrity and image of the target addressed;
  • Content from a fraudulent source;
  • Attempt to acquire sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card numbers and other personal or business data (phishing).